Lightweight Precision Altimeter for UAV Survey of Ice - Emily Schwans

Problem Statement

Determining the location of the ice-air interface relative to the flight height of a UAV within the order of magnitude of accuracy needed for a high resolution, low frequency GPR survey is difficult to do using a simple DGPS altimeter, especially when working in a temperate area where there is likely to be a wet interface on the surface of the glacier that will cause a large amount of scatter of EM energy. Verification of interfaces within ice detected with GPR without digging pits or doing other ground-based work is also difficult. Hence, developing a low-cost, lightweight solution for accurate altimetry measurements is one of the first steps in designing a system for testing the feasibility of sounding en- and subglacial hydrologic systems in temperate glaciers using low frequency, drone- based GPR.

Design Considerations

While laser or ultrasonic rangefinders are more accurate than pressure-based altimeters, the former are expensive for far-ranges. Using a pressure sensor that resolves output to within fractions of a Pascal is accurate enough for this stage of design, and cost-effective in terms of the parts I needed. The hypothetical UAV-mounted GPR system would have to be light; therefore the altimeter has to be lightweight also. Additionally, the antenna on that system could not be heavy, either, so it would likely be necessary to use SAR techniques to increase the aperture of the antenna while keeping the desired low frequency and a small/light antenna. To do this, as precise of location data as possible are needed during flight time, including altitude measurements. This is why I chose a sensor that is accurate to within 30 cm (even down to 6 cm, according to the data sheet), weighs very little, and is compact. Another design consideration was the need to take readings at a rate suitable for a potential UAV-based GPR survey (Rückamp et. al. 2011 cite 10Hz as their sampling rate for a UAS-based GPR survey). The sensor I used can output data at a comparable rate. The sensor is also effective down to -40 ̊C, so it would be usable in a cold setting.

Implementation Process

Testing and prototyping was done with Arduino Redboard, requiring no soldering. While I did initially attempt to solder wires to the sensor so I could have it off the breadboard and do the rest of the circuitry with plenty of room to work with, I discovered I am not at all skilled in through-hole soldering. So, after ruining the first sensor I got and having to reorder another on my own, I decided to simply use the breadboard. This worked nicely, allowing me to rework my circuit as needed: adding buttons to switch modes was much easier. In hindsight, I would have liked to have learned how to solder better early on so that when this project rolled around, I’d be better prepared and could have produced a more compact, less wire-intensive prototype.

The sensor itself was quite simple to hook up using the breadboard and jumper cables. However, it required an input of 3.3V, and to communicate with it using 5V RedBoard, I had to add in-line resistors to the SCL and SDL connections, despite powering it directly with the 3.3V output on the Redboard. Initially, I simply had it plugged into the breadboard with jumper wires, but it kept slipping around and losing contact with the resistors, giving me a -999.99 reading for everything. So, I bent jumper wires and resistors to maintain contact. However, maintaining contact between the resistors and the breadboard for the button was a big issue while I was testing my code. In hindsight, getting a smaller board that I could physically solder components to would have been prudent, assuming I could have done clean soldering work.

Using a MacBook Air to upload the code was a big challenge: often, it would not recognize that my board was connected, so most of the time I was unable to upload the code without restarting my computer, and using the Serial Monitor or Plotter to get arrays of data was more or less impossible.

Additionally, I attempted to use a 7-segment LED display with pins on both sides, but was unable to get it to display what I wanted with enough detail to be useful. I found that the LCD display included in my inventor’s kit was much easier to use once I figured out how to connect all the pins, and was much better to read data off of and to see when I switched between modes. It also didn’t take up as much room on my breadboard having only one side with pins, which was nice since I had to also add a potentiometer to adjust the contrast on the LCD display so I could read it. Had I known the LED would take up most of the breadboard, I would not have gotten that part. Also, I failed to take into account that this display would not have enough digits for readings in Pascals at the level of accuracy I desired.

For my code, I spent quite a while figuring out how to convert the reading from 20-bit to an actual altitude/pressure reading. This initial code was very long and took up a lot of memory on my RedBoard, which had been temperamental since the beginning, but even more so when the code took up more memory. Luckily, in going over the data sheets and specs online, I realized that there were libraries for my sensor out there that did the same thing I was trying to do, but in a much more simple way that took up less memory on my RedBoard when used. I looked into the source files for those libraries to make sure I wasn’t just relying on a black box, but ultimately used these libraries instead of writing everything from scratch, because “reinventing the wheel”, so to speak, is not time-effective, and using code that comes with a part you use seems reasonable as long as you understand how it works.

In general, I programmed the Arduino as a state machine; it continually takes readings in altitude mode until I press the button and switch states between either two altimetry modes (meters and feet above sea level) or one barometric mode, plus an initial state to configure the sensor, and a shutdown state, which it switches to when outside the operating temperature range. I could have also had additional states for changing between Pascals, mmHg, or millibars, but this was not part of my original design and theoretically I’d be using the data as an array anyhow, so could easily convert this post-acquisition.

I did not have the time to figure out how to hook up the battery to power the altimeter, but can do so in the future. I also could not figure out how to set the user-input sea level pressure, which is why the instrument is not very precise.

Instrument Testing

Accuracy in the altitude readings was tested by comparing altitude in multiple locations to those shown on topographic maps. Pressure readings were compared to local weather website measurements. Temperatures were compared to multiple thermostats. Ultimately, the temperature readings were accurate, as were the pressure readings, but the altitude drifted a lot. To get an idea of instrument drift, I carried the prototype up and down the stairwell, making note of any differences I saw in the top and bottom measurements over the course of carrying it up and down several times. At times, it was off by several meters.

Next Steps

A more permanent, compact design could be achieved using an Arduino Pro Mini ($9.95), which weighs less than 2 grams, has the same number of I/O pins, 2 extra analog pins compared to Redboard, and features an off-board USB connection. This would require more soldering work, but is necessary for a more refined prototype. Attaching the battery and the on/off switch, as well as adding a

Standby mode to conserve battery power while measurements are not being taken would be helpful. A chassis to protect the electronics from weather would also be a step in producing a more permanent product for field implementation. Additionally, programming the board in such a way so that it can either store measurements or transmit data via WiFi or Bluetooth to a computer or phone is necessary for field implementation, the latter of which is likely more realistic given the scope of a UAV-based survey and the amount of memory typically available.

The instrument doesn’t “settle down” to the point where altitude is not constantly changing. This is a design flaw, and would have to be fixed if this were to be implemented for high-precision measurements while flying. This is due to the fact that the device is using pressure (which is varying) to calculate altitude. Having an insulated chassis could help with this.


All in all, I succeeded in designing a prototype for a high-accuracy pressure/altitude sensor that, with some tweaks and downsizing, could be used for UAV acquisition, albeit a laser range finder would be the best permanent solution (albeit expensive). I would need to fix the drift in the instrument and program a smaller, more permanent Arduino that could be attached to the sensor. I learned that soldering is not as easy as it looks, that circuits are complicated and I forgot a lot of what I learned about them in physics over the course of four years, and that, while it is easy to get lost in datasheets, really reading into the full capabilities of a given sensor is necessary to obtain the exact results you want.