Project Presentations

The course project is a large part of not only the grade in this course, but a way that you’ll really internalize and learn the information we’ve covered. When your project is completed you will be required to present it to the class and to write a summary of what you did, why, and what you’ve learned. We would like to share your projects on the course website, so please inform us of any problems with that.

Oral Presentation

You will need to demonstrate your project to the class using the real hardware. Make a 10-15 minute presentation that covers what problem your project solves, what your design process was, any challenges you encountered, and the final results. You should conclude with a demonstration of your equipment. Remember to practice good public speaking skills! If you are looking for inspiration, checkout the book The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid .

Written Report

Documentation is the most important part of any project, it becomes more important as time passes. You will forget what you did last week, much less last year. Write a 2-4 page report that summarizes the problem you solved, challenges encountered, and the ultimate solution to the problem. This is your first line of defense against forgetting what you did and how you did it.

Online Bonus

We will add 10% to your written report grade as a bonus if you make the report online ready. This means you will need to format the report as a restructured text document, including the photos, links, etc. This is how the course website is generated and makes posting your report easier on the instructors and makes you learn some useful computing skills. The ReStructuredText Primer is a good resource to get started. Be sure to include a photo of yourself on the page. We will add an additional 5% to the written report grade if you submit your report as a pull request to the course repository.

Grading Rubric

Description Max Points
Written Report 50
Oral Presentation 30
Project Works 20
Project fulfills the proposal 20
Total 120