Blinky 2.0


This activity will build on the Blinky 1.0 activity we did using your new knowledge of electronics prototyping techniques. We will still blink LEDs, but we will use external LEDs on a breadboard.


  • Arduino UNO
  • USB Cable
  • Breadboard
  • LEDs (two of your favorite colors)
  • 330 \(\Omega\) resistors (Orange-Orange-Brown)
  • M/M Jumper wires
  • Computer (Mac, Linux, Windows)


  • Hook up the LEDs, resistors, and Arduino using the jumper wires and breadboard as shown in the diagram below (click to enlarge).
  • LEDs are polarized components meaning they have a certain way they need to be in the circuit. On LEDs the short leg next to the flat edge is the ground (-) connection.
  • You will need to bend the legs of the resistors to use them on the breadboard, you can do this with your hands or small pliers.
  • Based on the code we used in the Blinky 1.0 activity, write a new program that blinks the LEDs in an alternating pattern.
  • Get creative. What patterns can you make? Can you add more LEDs or change the pin assignment for each LED?

Grading Rubric

Description Max Points
Turned in on time 5
Code Compiles 10
LEDs blink in a pattern 10
Total 25