PID Controllers

It can take awhile to gain some intuition about control systems, especially PID controllers. In this activity you will build a simple PID controller with your Arduino and adjust the different gain settings to see their effects. This lab is largely based on a lab written by Bret Comnes and A. La Rosa at Portland State University. Their original lab activity is available on their website or GitHub repo .

The control system you will build tries to maintain a constant light level on a photo resistor. You can think of this like your laptop screen that becomes brighter or dimmer based on the ambient light levels. This is a closed-loop system since we have a feedback path. An open-loop equivalent would be a traditional dimmer switch in a room. If the ambient light (sunlight) level changes, there is no feedback to change the room lights. You must walk over to the switch and adjust it manually (feed forward control).

In our system, an LED will shine directly into the photo resistor. The setpoint of the system is adjustable with a potentiometer on the board. The gains of the controller can be changed using the serial interface.


  • Arduino UNO
  • USB Cable
  • LED
  • 330 \(\Omega\) resistor (Orange-Orange-Brown)
  • 10k \(\Omega\) resistor (Brown-Black-Orange)
  • Photo resistor
  • Breadboard
  • M/M Jumper wires
  • Computer (Mac, Linux, Windows)


  1. We could write all of the PID control code ourselves, but there is an Arduino library available with a very robust controller. Installing the library is easy. Download the library zip file from the GitHub repository here or clone into the repository if you are comfortable doing that. Unzip the folder and move it to the Arduino library folder. In most installations you will find this in your Documents folder: ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries. If your folder has hyphens in the name, change them to underscores. If the Arduino IDE was open, restart it. You should find new examples for the PID library in File -> Examples -> PID. Have a look at the examples to get an idea of how the library works.

  1. Using the parts in your kit, build the circuit we will use shown below. Take a photo of your circuit and attach it to the lab report. (2 pts.)

  2. Read the following sketch and upload it to your Arduino.

// From
#include <PID_v1.h>
const int photores = A0; // Photo resistor input
const int pot = A1; // Potentiometer input
const int led = 9; // LED output
double lightLevel; //variable that stores the incoming light level

// Tuning parameters
float Kp=0; //Initial Proportional Gain
float Ki=10; //Initial Integral Gain
float Kd=0;  //Initial Differential Gain

double Setpoint, Input, Output;  //These are just variables for storing values
PID myPID(&Input, &Output, &Setpoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, DIRECT); // This sets up our PDID Loop
//Input is our PV
//Output is our u(t)
//Setpoint is our SP
const int sampleRate = 1; // Variable that determines how fast our PID loop runs

// Communication setup
const long serialPing = 500; //This determines how often we ping our loop
// Serial pingback interval in milliseconds
unsigned long now = 0; //This variable is used to keep track of time
// placehodler for current timestamp
unsigned long lastMessage = 0; //This keeps track of when our loop last spoke to serial
// last message timestamp.

void setup(){
  lightLevel = analogRead(photores); //Read in light level
  Input = map(lightLevel, 0, 1024, 0, 255); //Change read scale to analog out scale
  Setpoint = map(analogRead(pot), 0, 1024, 0, 255);  //get our setpoint from our pot
  Serial.begin(9600); //Start a serial session
  myPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);  //Turn on the PID loop
  myPID.SetSampleTime(sampleRate); //Sets the sample rate

  Serial.println("Begin"); // Hello World!
  lastMessage = millis(); // timestamp

void loop(){
  Setpoint = map(analogRead(pot), 0, 1024, 0, 255); //Read our setpoint
  lightLevel = analogRead(photores); //Get the light level
  Input = map(lightLevel, 0, 900, 0, 255); //Map it to the right scale
  myPID.Compute();  //Run the PID loop
  analogWrite(led, Output);  //Write out the output from the PID loop to our LED pin

  now = millis(); //Keep track of time
  if(now - lastMessage > serialPing) {  //If its been long enough give us some info on serial
    // this should execute less frequently
    // send a message back to the mother ship
    Serial.print("Setpoint = ");
    Serial.print(" Input = ");
    Serial.print(" Output = ");
    if (Serial.available() > 0) { //If we sent the program a command deal with it
      for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
        switch (x) {
          case 0:
            Kp = Serial.parseFloat();
          case 1:
            Ki = Serial.parseFloat();
          case 2:
            Kd = Serial.parseFloat();
          case 3:
            for (int y = Serial.available(); y == 0; y--) {
    ;  //Clear out any residual junk
      Serial.print(" Kp,Ki,Kd = ");
      Serial.println(Kd);  //Let us know what we just received
      myPID.SetTunings(Kp, Ki, Kd); //Set the PID gain constants and start running

    lastMessage = now;
    //update the time stamp.

  1. What are the initial values of the \(K_p, K_i, K_d\) gains? (3 pts.)

  1. What happens as you change the set point of the system using the potentiometer? (2 pts.)

  2. At a fixed set point, change the level of incoming light by shielding the setup with your hands and by increasing the light level using a flashlight. How fast does the system respond? (2 pts.)

  3. Using the serial monitor, change the gain settings by sending three numbers separated by commas. For example to set \(K_p=2, K_i=10, K_d=0\) you would send 2,10,0. Systematically vary the \(K_i\) setting with both \(K_p\) and \(K_d\) set to zero. Describe the effect this has. Why is it so? (4 pts.)

  4. Set \(K_i\) to 10 and systematically increase \(K_p\) with \(K_d\) set to zero. Describe the effect this has. Why is this so? (4 pts.)

  5. Set \(K_i\) to 10 and systematically increase \(K_d\) with \(K_p\) set to zero. Describe the effect this has. Why is this so? (4 pts.)

  1. Does this system have any equivalent mass or inertial effects? (2 pts.)

  1. What parameters seem to be the best for controlling the light level? Why do you think that is? (2 pts.)