Water Jet


Waterjet cutting a thick steel plate (Ellis Dunklebarger)

The water jet cutter, if you have access to one, is an incredibly useful and precise tool. It propels Garnet particles with a very high pressure jet of water to abrade through the workpiece. Multi-axis machines can even cut very complex 3D shapes. Water jet cutters make very clean cuts that are easily good to a 0.001” (0.03 mm) tolerance. These machines are exceedingly expensive to own and operate, so it is common to outsource water jet projects.


A waterjet cutter in operation (Ellis Dunklebarger)


Each machine operates slightly differently, but the basics of water jet operation are outlined by Dan Gelbart in the video below:

Some examples of using a water jet to create 2D and 3D parts:

Safety Precautions

The main hazard from a water jet cutter is instantly cutting off fingers if the jet is turned on while your fingers are near the nozzle. Water jets can easily cut through several inch thick steel plates, so humans pose no challenge.